Thursday, August 12, 2010

gramcracker 32

It is August 12. My last entry was on July 9 which was Kenyon's birthday. In the almost 5 weeks since that entry Kenyon's father fell and broke his leg (he is 89), Kenyon had his last drill of his military career, we had a family reunion, we attended Kenyon's 40 year high school reunion, and one of our granddaughters had her 14th B Day Party. It's been a fun summer.

Kenyon's folks will have been married for 65 years in just a few days. I believe that we will be going back to their home to spend the weekend with them. His father was in the hospital during the family reunion, so we went to their home and picked up his mom and brought her to the family reunion and then we took her home again and went to visit his dad. Sure hate to see them get old, but on the other hand I know that my daughter thinks the same thing about me, "sure hate to see her get old." HEE HEE. And at the high school reunion, Kenyon remarked that, "I know it is my 40 year high school reunion, but where did all these old people come from." Funny, huh.

One thing he learned at his reunion is that all the girls thought he was shy. Can you imagine that, Kenyon, shy. He was involved in drama (he was in every one act play, every musical, every three act play, every production of any kind that the school put on), and he was involved in choir and a special singing group called the "Gate City Singers" that was a widely requested group throughout the city. Any event of any importance in the city of Pocatello was entertained by the Gate City Singers. But they say he was shy. One girl described it as, "I would see you walking down the hallway and you would see me and you would duck into a room or down another hallway or anything, just so you wouldn't have to pass me and say hello." It really seems incredible to me that Kenyon could be described as shy.

It is my goal to post weekly, so...

Nuff Said

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