Thursday, June 10, 2010

gramcracker 10

Sometimes when you think that you are doing pretty good in the area of The Golden Rule, you can have a rude awakening.

I have metal poisoning from drinking colloidal silver, and my face and neck are an ashen gray color. Most adults are careful about their reactions to me when first seeing me, but some are not so careful. Boy, and little kids really react. There have been many times in the grocery store when little children have come up to me and stood right in front of me and just stared. I would move the cart forward and they would stay right there ahead of me so they could continue to look. Some days it gets very frustrating and I think, "Why can't they just look and then move on."

Then I was at a demolition derby a few days ago and a young man with earrings was sitting behind me. I have seen young men with earings before, but these earrings were the kind that look like pictures from a National Geographic magazine. You have probably seen those pictures of Africans with those big, heavy gold rings around their necks and ear lobes that were as big as plates because of how they arranged their pierced ears. That's the kind of earrings I am talking about. I confess, I didn't just look and then move on. I stared. I really stared. I stared for a long time. My daughter was with me and she kept telling me to quit staring, but I couldn't. The young man finally got up and left because I was staring at him.

Now, how inconsiderate is that. I don't like it when people do that to me, but here I was doing it to someone else. Bad choice. I promise I will never be so inconsiderate again.

Nuff Said

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