Monday, June 21, 2010

gramcracker 21

WOW. Got home late last night. We left Anaheim at about 4:30P and after being routed through Denver, we arrived back in to Idaho Falls at 11. Don't you just love jet lag?

In Denver, Kenyon and I were just sitting there minding our own business when Kenyon looked up and said (as he was getting up out of his chair), "Now Wait A Minute", and then he was gone. I watched as he thumped on a soldier in the gate waiting area next to ours. The two hugged each other and talked a few seconds and then started walking towards me. He was one of the soldiers in Kenyon's unit. He stayed longer in Iraq and was just then getting home. Actually he was on his way to Ft. Bliss for out processing, so he wouldn't technically be getting home for 3 or 4 more days.

Kenyon told me a story about how during one drill in SLC, he and this soldier got in Kenyon's Smart car, (the other soldier is 6'6" and Kenyon is 6'4"), and how they spent one entire evening after drill just driving around and getting out of the car. It was fun for them because so many people would comment about seeing those two very tall men getting out of that itty bitty little car.

He was a very good friend to Kenyon. They took some time talking about their lives in Iraq and catching up. Seeing him just topped off the great weekend we had just had. We plan to attend another Yellow Ribbon event and also a Strong Bonds event. Strong Bonds is geared just to married folks and strengthening the marriage bond.

Nuff Said

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