Wednesday, June 2, 2010

gramcracker 2

I want to post a new blog every day. Sometimes I know that all I will post is a hello and a goodbye, until I get into the habit, but for now, this is good.

I picked the name gramcracker, because my granddaughter, Cammi, has a cell phone and put me on her contact list as gramcracker. I like that, so I decided that is who I will be.

Yesterday, I was babysitting the three grandsons I babysit every day. Their cousin, Caden, came over for a couple of hours to play with them and then later a friend of Evan's, (Evan is the six year old) came over to play. The three grandsons that share a back yard with me are Evan, Denver, and Deegan, Evan is 6. Denver is 4. Deegan is 2. The three grandkids that live just three blocks from me are Cammi, age 13 (going on 21); Cannon, age 9; and Caden, age 6. Caden and Evan are only one month different in age.

The four grandkids who live in North Carolina are Tailor, age 15 (she is also going on 21); Derrike, age 14; Arye'Annah, age 9; and Maegan, age 17. Tailor, Derrike, and Arye'Annah are three of my son Sam's kids. Maegan is the daughter of my daughter's boyfriend.

I have one other grandchild. He is another son of my son Sam. He lives in California where it is warm all the time. I actually lived about two miles from Disneyland for a couple of months. My daughter, Emily, wanted to be a model and so she and I moved there for a couple of months until she went to Japan for a photo shoot and I went back home to Idaho. I liked California. There are too many people there for me, but it was all right for the two months that I was there.

OK. Nuff Said.

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