Monday, June 7, 2010

gramcracker 7

Kenyon left yesterday for Salt Lake City. He will do four days of drill trying to get all his paperwork together so the points he has collected in his military career will all be accounted for. He took three file boxes full of paperwork. Thirty nine years of paperwork. When I was telling a friend about the file boxes she said, "Who keep thirty nine years of paperwork." Well, Kenyon does. He knew from the get go that the army isn't very good at keeping records and he didn't want his retirement points wrong, so he kept the records. Through every move, we have brought those files with us. Every new year saw a new file folder added to the box.

I remembered yesterday about a funny experience we had over the Memorial Day weekend. We left our home in Idaho and went to Price, Utah. On 1-15 we met up with a Harley-Davidson motorcycle club going in the same direction as we were going. Well, in case you don't know, Kenyon is a big of a show off. He has named his little Smart car a baby motorcycle since the get go. He put a big Harley Davidson motorcycle sticker in the back window and he got personalized plates with the word "Harwee" on it. (That's two year old talk for Harley.) So here we are going down the road alongside a club of Harley Davidson motorcycle riders. Kenyon got a lot of attention and a lot of the riders pointed out the license plate to us and nodded or did a thumbs up. I don't know how many riders there were, but it took us 3 miles worth of driving at a little more than 75 miles per hour to pass them all.

Then we took the wrong exit and when we got back on the freeway, there they were again so Kenyon got to pass them all once more. He was lovin' it.

Nuff Said

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